Got to meet with my Pueblo today. He gave me the skinny on what kind of retirement I'm looking at. Definitely will be retired, its just a matter of what percentage. Will most likely go on the TDRL (Temporary Disabled Retirement List) for up to 5 years given my condition. He said at minimum I'll get 50% comp, tax free. Given all my issues, it'll most likely be much higher but we'll see how it goes. Looking like a bit of a long haul from here on out. At minimum, 5 months, quite possibly 14-18 months. Either way, I'm headed in the right direction, thats what matters.
So, my day started out pretty early, at around 6:30 Mahalo started barking. She doesn't bark inside the house, its always Kelsy. But this time it was her. So that had my heart racing, cuz that meant something was up. So I open the door and here are two beautiful Siberian Huskies standing at my door. They wanted in so bad. I took them around to the back yard and then started making calls. We put up signs in the neighborhood and I kept watch for someone who may be in search of them (you know, that slow moving car with the head turning left and right like their watching a tennis match lol). Sure enough, I see the woman. It's the mother of the owners. She cracks up at the signs and wonders why on earth someone would but up so early and already putting up signs lol. The two dogs were awesome and started my day off great. Then I took at a look at the time and I was hauling ass.....I was about to miss my MEB appt with the Pueblo...bad juju. But I made it in time so no worries there.
After I got done for the day I came home and my OCD switch was flipped instantly. Just couldn't stand looking at my grass anymore. So I mowed the lawn. While mowing the lawn, two of the 4 dead tree stumps alongside my house decided they wanted to be uprooted today. I pushed on one and it moved like it wasn't even rooted to the ground. So I rip that one out of the ground with ease, and same with the second one. I'm thinking I can finally pull all these things up....I get to the third and I'm certain my neighbor laughed hard when my body was prepared for it to come right up and the tree stump wasn't lol. I about fell on my ass lol.
I got my OCD out of my system and now I'm about to call it an early night since I have height and weight in the morning at 0630. Good thing I get off after my appt at 2. Got too many appt's to meet their "requirements" tomorrow so I'm adjusting my schedule to ensure their "requirements" are met. But I refuse to break the profile. They'll get over it.
Goodnight, thanks for stopping by.

"War is sweet for the inexperienced." In no way will I ever try to compare my combat experience to that of an Infantryman, Sniper, MP, Tanker or a Combat Medic, however, one thing that brings us all together is the after effects we carry home with us. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an injury that ranges from mild to severe to debilitating. Folks need to know that despite the lack of visible scars, we're still wounded.
WARNING: This site contains emotionally charged and graphic accounts of my experiences concerning combat PTSD. Some posts may trigger someone suffering from a trauma-based disorder and others may equally be affected!
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