“WTU is designed to ensure that healing is the first priority for injured Soldiers and was stood up to provide high quality living conditions, prevent unnecessary procedural delays, and to facilitate the Soldier’s physical, mental and spiritual healing process.”
Alright, so, that’s the purpose right? Then answer me this one very simple question: Why, are the wounded warriors taking out the trash of that of the cadre and other personnel within the unit? Keywords being: WOUNDED WARRIORS.
Granted, taskings come out, things have to be done, however, if there’s a young man walking with the assistance of a cane, why is he doing this type of detail? And rather, why are you going to put a SSG in charge of the detail knowing that that SSG has multiple issues, one being not really up to taking charge of troops given her current condition?
I’m a lil peeved at what occurred today. I would much rather see perhaps Soldiers who are on extra duty doing these tasks or perhaps the personnel assigned as cadre? That very well might be a good idea. Yes, you’re a platoon sergeant, and your in charge of troops. But your troops have special needs, we’re not just regular soldiers in a regular unit. This is a medical hold unit, these Soldiers are going through a lot of crap and tossing them on a detail to pick weeds or clean someones office? Come on. Why am I going to clean the offices of people I do not work for, nor work with? My Soldiers within my section, don’t walk over to clean another shops place. Our orderly room personnel, clean their own area. We clean our own area. Why are we dumping the trash and cleaning up the 1SG’s sunflower seeds laying on the floor under her desk? I mean really?
And here I sit, its midnight, my meds are kicking in and I’m still fuming from this stupidity. But hey, it’s the Army right? I should know to expect stupidity. But if your going to put me in charge, I’ll do the shit myself before I’ll have a guy on a cane do all the work.
On a happier note, I got to spend a few hours with some of my former Soldiers. My buddy put together a BBQ for them, since their leaving real soon for Afghanistan. So, I took my dog Kelsy with me and we all had a good time. It was nice to see their faces again. And catch up on things. I worry about them going over to Afghanistan, but I think they’ll be in really good hands…I pray that I am correct.
Thursday they begin their preparations for departure. I’ll be there to see them all off. I’ll sure miss these guys and I feel so bad that I’m not going. But I know this was something I really needed to do in order to get myself to a point where I can live with all that is bottled up inside me. If I didn’t, as some of my friends have realized in the past, it tends to come screaming out at the first person who pushes the wrong button. A fellow SGT got a taste of it one day in Iraq in 2005. We began to argue about something, don’t recall what the argument was about but eventually, in front of god and everyone, I got in his face and was just barking away at him goin off the handle. That was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. We still talk about that sometimes, my buddy and I. We saw eye to eye by the end of the “conversation” but boy did it get heated for a minute there. And all our Soldiers witnessed this. Which I knew was inappropriate but it was like a blackout moment…..thankfully I’m not naturally a violent person. I am not one for confrontation. I usually get so angry I have to go be by myself for a while just so I can calm down. All of this because I love my job and I hate to see Soldiers getting treated wrong, or leaders coming up with some of the dumbest shit. Such as, pressure washing the desert? Really? I mean come on. I understand keeping the hangar clean but why are we pressure washing NOTHING? That was something I never did understand. Except pressure washing the bunkers on the flightline, which was a must because damn those crewchiefs, that was their urinal lol. So, yeah, those needed pressure washing cuz that stunk to high heaven. Thanks guys lol
Alright, off to bed, I wonder if I’ll remember writing this blog when I get up in the morning? LMAO

"War is sweet for the inexperienced." In no way will I ever try to compare my combat experience to that of an Infantryman, Sniper, MP, Tanker or a Combat Medic, however, one thing that brings us all together is the after effects we carry home with us. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an injury that ranges from mild to severe to debilitating. Folks need to know that despite the lack of visible scars, we're still wounded.
WARNING: This site contains emotionally charged and graphic accounts of my experiences concerning combat PTSD. Some posts may trigger someone suffering from a trauma-based disorder and others may equally be affected!
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