Now, understand that this is not my video, just something I came across. The gentleman in this video is certainly suffering from PTSD. While I do not support some of the many anti-war protests going on, there are some I do not condemn either. I understand folks want the war to end, we all do. We're losing battle buddies over there. Regardless of how you feel about the war, we are Soldiers and we have a duty to follow the orders given to us by our leaders. It is our duty to protect this countries freedoms, and answer the call of war---wherever that may be.
This Veteran had a point: If you don't know anything about it, if you've never been there, then you have no reason to speak to judge. Of course, he says it in some pretty explicit language. But really, if you don't know anything about it, don't act like you do. And don't act like you understand what we have suffered through.
Here's the video:
An Iraq War Veteran is enraged by several people with peace signs on Stockdale Highway in B----------, CA. With army style fatigues, the man jumps out of his truck going Westbound in the middle of rush hour, yelling and cursing at the people holding peace signs. Are these symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)? With a woman sitting in his truck, he quickly leaves after a few minutes of irate screaming and cursing. About twenty minutes later the man came back, traveling East bound, blocking traffic in the Northbound turning lane. This time he was alone. He pinned on his war medals wearing three medals of honor and carrying a neatly folded flag, perhaps a relative or friend who died serving in duty. The man was extremely upset and a testament to the unmeasured and detrimental effects of war that hit every one at home. Both times, including in this video, the man recklessly endangers lives and in a threatening manner. We need to take care of our soldiers and deal with the trauma of war. Our soldiers who know the need for freedom of speech should not be trained and suffer so badly so as to threaten individuals with political signs or terrorize and endanger the general public.

"War is sweet for the inexperienced." In no way will I ever try to compare my combat experience to that of an Infantryman, Sniper, MP, Tanker or a Combat Medic, however, one thing that brings us all together is the after effects we carry home with us. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an injury that ranges from mild to severe to debilitating. Folks need to know that despite the lack of visible scars, we're still wounded.
WARNING: This site contains emotionally charged and graphic accounts of my experiences concerning combat PTSD. Some posts may trigger someone suffering from a trauma-based disorder and others may equally be affected!
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